As President, my role is to ensure that BUSS operates smoothly with no conflicts or issues. I act as a liaison between the students and the department to voice any complaints and ensure that students have the best academic year possible, whether it be academically, socially, or professionally.
ContactAs VP Internal, I am responsible for planning social events throughout the year, including fall and winter banquets, BUSS Blues pubs, apartment crawls, the U1 sorting hat event, EUS Internals events, and others.
ContactAs VP External, I organize events with the bioengineering community outside McGill, including industry tours, lab visits, alumni relations, and networking.
As VP Finance, I keep track of the budget, payments, and funding applications. Basically, sit in the corner with some spreadsheets and tell people not to spend money.
ContactMy role as VP Academic is to work with students and professors to promote academic engagement, voice, and resolve academic concerns, and develop helpful resources for courses.
ContactAs VP Comms, I am responsible for all communications between BUSS and the bioengineering student body, as well as managing BUSS' social media, our website, and our weekly newsletter.
ContactAs VP AE, I am responsible for managing the departmental merch orders each semester, organizing the Bioeng teams for EUS Sports, and overseeing the activities of First-Year Council.
ContactI work with external organizations to secure funding and products for BUSS.
As Mental Health Coord, I promote mental health in the bioengineering community through events, initiatives, and the distribution of resources.
Spread awareness for social issues, celebrate days of awareness, encourage and motivate students, promote program and its inclusiveness, making sure events are as sustainable as possible and inclusive to all
ContactI represent the interests of U0 Bioengineering students at EUS Junior Council and BUSS meetings. I organize events for U0s in bioengineering through BUSS and help organize events for all First-Years in engineering through JC!
ContactI organize fun events for all U1 Bioengineering students and advocate for their needs, concerns, and requests.
I am in charge of organizing events for the U2 class and ensuring that all concerns and suggestions are heard.
I represent the U3 students on the council by defending their interests and discussing their issues.
I plan social, professional, and academic events for the U4s in Bioengineering program! I also present any questions, comments, or concerns from the U4s in Bioengineering to the department and faculty.