Academic Resources for Students

Academic Forum

An academic forum is an event hosted every semester within the Bioengineering Department. It allows students to voice their opinions on BIEN courses in the curriculum, in an optionally anonymous format. Professors and the Department Chair will listen to these comments, responding where necessary. From this event, a report will be made on the overall sentiment + suggestions + action items for each of the BIEN Fall courses. This then serves as a primary document staff can refer back to in an effort to improve the courses of the curriculum!

Find it here.

Course Feedback Form

Please use this form to provide feedback, submit complaints, and suggest ideas for bioengineering courses. This information will be used to address any concerns and to improve courses. I encourage you to reach out to your course instructor or TAs first.

Find it here.

BIEN Course Packs

BIEN 200 Hyperbook

Introduction to Bioengineering

Find it Here!

BIEN 210 Coursepack

Electrical and Optical Properties of Biological Systems

Find it Here!

BIEN 350 Coursepack

Biosignals, Systems and Control

Find it Here!

Useful Links

BUSS Survival Drive

Shared resources from some Bioengineering courses

Click Here

Paul's Online Math Notes

The math prof you wish you had. General calculus concepts and worked through examples.

Click Here